I have to admit, I prefer company...as long as that company is reasonably trail-competent and somewhat independent. Why? Well, sometimes it sucks to see really cool stuff alone.

Not saying this to stop you! By all means, go for it. Especially if trying to coordinate schedules with a buddy means risking the entire trip!

Journaling is helpful sometimes...helps me "share" those moments in another way. I have a friend who recommends a small digital voice recorder as an alternative to paper. Write (or speak) as if writing/speaking to those you miss--that kind of helps you feel like they're with you.

Same with photography.

For a lot of us, especially in this era of connectivity, that solo time is tough to settle into at first, but once we're used to it, it's delightful...and healthy.

Edited by Lupine (01/27/09 02:46 AM)