I have version 2.7.7 so it is a long way from being the latest and greatest. I bought it for $.99 on Ebay because I wanted a better map for the area. I hiked half of the Superior Hiking Trail in MN last year and want to hike the other half this year. Maps are available from SHT association but they are not really very detailed. The trail is well marked and you could hike the whole thing without any map but it is nice to dream during long winter days. GPS points are available so it is easy to make your own maps in whatever scale you want. I can use the map just as it comes out because it is easy to tell that difference between the correct route and the straight line route. As near as I can tell the only place you can split a route is at a beginning or end of a track so you cannot just pick any two points, split and delete the wrong portion because the wrong section is in the middle of a track and you end up deleting the whole track or at least the wrong piece.

AS I said it is not really a big deal but it is more a matter of this should be possible and why didn't NG do it so that I can do it. Just having an undo would help so that if it did not work the way you wanted you would not have to exit the program and reload back to the last save. More of an irritation and gripe against NG than a necessity.