Originally Posted By midnightsun03
Wow, sweet plane! I'm envious of your 53" cargo door... that would really be something to have up here! Nice specs for take off and landing... looks like an ideal aircraft for medevacs. How does it perform in cold and ice? We fly a King Air 200... pretty much the standard go-to a/c up here... that and Lears, which require long runways and perfect wind conditions. Do you guys fly Nurse/Nurse or Nurse/Paramedic? We do both depending who's on call... most of our crew are nurses.

I agree the condom might not go over well unless everyone was "on board" with them. Before you make your decision on a firestarter, go back in the archives and look for the thread on starting a fire with cold hands. That was a really good thread. There's also quite a bit on pocket survival kits. Have you calculated the volume of your cargo pocket yet? Do you have any extra space in other pockets? Our survival kits strap to the leg, so you could consider that possibility as well.


We fly RN/EMT for most. If there is a maternity patient we fly RN/EMT and an additional L&D RN. If it is a neonate we fly a core flight RN, NICU RN, and an RT if the baby requires oscillation and Nitric. Our Core staff is RN's and EMT's, we contract through the hospital to provide the L&D and NICU nurses if we need them. Our flight team is a different corporation than the hospital we service. The plane is perfect as far as flying in tempermental weather. Although if weather is too bad we stay grounded. King airs are pretty much the benchmark for air ambulances. Due to operating and maintenance expenses we chose the pilatus. Plus that large cargo door sold us. In actuality though it was chosen by someone in a higher pay grade. We got lucky.

I have other pockets, but I want everything as light as possible. last thing I want is my flight suit stuffed to the gills. I've thought about using a separate pack and strapping it to my leg. Any suggestions for a pack?