I haven't bonked since ........this morning. Had a long workout yesterday then cyclecommuted to work this morning without breakfast. Ate two bananas, worked a few hours, then went for a run and BAM!!! I felt fine at first but within 15 minutes I was dead in the water. I never gave my glycogen stores a chance to rebuild from the day before even though I had a big dinner.

Beware: The bonk can hit you without warning. The good news is, it can be fixed literally within minutes by a candy bar or even some fruit juice. You just need to have something handy. Never bonked while backpacking because I always have food with me and like most people I tend to carry too much.

When I first started long distance bicycle racing the old hands told me this: "Eat before you get hungry and drink before you get thirsty". It was (is) very good advice.

I lost my appetite for ten days on the JMT. Couldn't even down a cup of Ramen for dinner. But my body became pretty efficient at burning its fat stores so I felt no real loss of energy. When I do it again this summer I'm going to experiment with a more liquid diet.

More than six liters? Sure. Sometimes much more.