Man, that is a great idea. Why the hell have I never though of that. In reality I think that there are plastic bottles specifically designed for such things and personally I think that it would be much easier just to purchase what you need and reuse them. We use Mountain House Dinners some times when we want to make it simple when we backpack and I never throw the resealable bags away and we always reuse them for something. I dehydrate food already made into entrees and put them in the reused Mountain House Bags. I contacted them (Mountain House) and they said as long as they were clean they could bu reused many many times. I have had one that I have had for about two years and I still use it every time. I think home made dehydrated food is much better and cheaper than the Mountain House food...sabre11004...

The first step that you take will be one of those that get you there !!!!!
The first step that you take will be one of those that get you there 1!!!!!