I've used it on my front porch to scare away raccoons who were eating my cat's food.

It was about midnight. I stepped out onto my lit porch in my undershorts and fired the 12 ounce cannister at the raccoons.

Wind was blowing back at me and I got a snoot full of the stuff. It also blew back into the house. My cat panicked and ran.

Raccoons weren't there when the cloud cleared. Not sure what effect it had on them. The scene had quite an effect on my neighbor, however. I was very embarrassed to find that she was on her front porch and witnessed the whole thing.

I've never used the 6 ounce can but the 12 ounce can is very impressive. It spays a large funnel of red powder with the force of a fire extinguisher.

I test fired an outdated can at camp one time. There was just enough wind to gently bring the powder back to me and my hiking partner. We sneezed, coughed and laughed for quite awhile. It was fun.