Originally Posted By Tango61

Be sure and check the "credentials" of those who are/were Scouts. I am an Eagle Scout, an active Assistant Scoutmaster and have 30+ years of camping and backpacking.
I have been around a lot of Scouts and I wouldn't trust some of them (in the outdoors) as far as I could toss 'em.
(I guess you could say the same about the Army guys, too).

Maybe this sounds harsh, but better safe than sorry.

If you've already done so, please disregard.

I have been in the Army, and am an Eagle Scout, and unfortunately, I agree completely with tango. Just because someone is a scout or in the Army doesn't mean they are experienced backpackers. But, it does mean that they probably are a slight bit more responsible.

My advice, and I think TomD said it, is to do a pre-check of everyone's gear before, and the day of. I would ban alcohol and anything else you feel necessary (like big cans of chili). Everyone signs a waiver, and agrees to the stipulations before hand. Also, if you do a pre-hike of more than 5-8 miles, that alone will weed your group size down without you having to do anything else. If you tell everyone that you will do what I suggested, I would be surprised if you have more than 20. Shoot, I would be surprised if you had more than 10 that would agree to no alcohol, smoking, a waiver, and then finish the 5 mile walk with all gear and still want to go. Personally, I wouldn't take more than 10 people.

Oh yeah, and this is completely my humble opinion, but TAC vests are worthless, even in the army. I NEVER wore mine in Iraq. The Army wasted a lot of money on that piece of junk.

Edited by finallyME (12/31/08 07:00 PM)
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