I've hiked solo for years. Mostly bushwhacking off trail. But I'm pretty careful, and I've been lucky as well.

I just would have never made it to too many places I wanted to go if I had waited for someone that could come along.

Hiking with others has many different levels. I enjoy taking newbies on hikes to spots they've never been too and sharing some tips along the way.

But you have to evaluate what the person with you is going to enjoy on those trips. I've made the mistake of taking family and friends bushwhacking and, while some never complained during the hike, they did tell mutual acquaintances afterward about the strong urge to try and get away from me by whatever means necessary.

Others have just loved it and call me often to go again or tell me about stuff they've found bushwhacking around.

Hiking with friends has one priceless advantage. They will see things you would have otherwise missed.


"You want to go where?"