Thanks for the input everyone! I really like some of the idea's put forth, a lot of stuff I didn't think about (Forks in the trail, packs at the side; a bail out option)

My "Bail Out" plan was going to consist of the few backpackers in the group that are experienced, but not in charge of much to escort and go with the people that decide to bail before the end; the Bruce Trail is really straightforward and there isn't much to it. At best I would say its beginner due to the fact it is a trail with allotted sites. Yeah, most of our people will have cars; if they don't then the Bruce Trail supervisors (The people in charge of the actual trail) do have vehicles to bring people to the nearest town in I believe.

I was planning on doing a simple field day, where we walk around the city, the forests etc with full gear and packs to get the feel for the walking/packing requirement. I am going to hold a day about a month before the trip where everyone is required to answer some simple questions about general measures and safety, and show us (The more experienced hikers) how their going to pack their bags, what they do when we bunk down for the night; etc etc. I will exclude people if I need to, but I would rather not. But lets face it, I don't want people who have issues with authority on this trip; I need people who can follow the rules on the basis of the people chosen to lead, because they are more experienced (Obviously)