I like the idea of being ready to 'bug-out' though.

If I was organized the way I would like to be, which I'm not, I would have everything in the pack ready to go except for my sleeping bag and clothes and food, and I would have a totally separate kit for my day-hikes.

So to 'bug-out' for an overnight I would just grab my Jam2 pack, throw in a bag of food, throw in my sleeping bag, and then get dressed in all my layers for the most extreme conditions I might get and then de-layer to what I wear for fine weather and pack those other layers. Everything else would be cleaned and packed days or weeks in advance. Maybe double check it before I throw stuff in though. I'm pretty quick on food. I can grab 3, 4 days of food at a grocery store in about 15 minutes as I tend to buy and pack everything in bulk.

For a day-hike 'bug-out' I use the same pack I use everyday. I work at a university in research as dress is casual enough that I can more or less wear what I would on a day-hike. Trouble starts when I want to dig into my weekend hiking stuff. I really need two separare kits. It's all mostly dirtbag stuff anyway.