I have the Sling Light chair. I am 55 now and I can get out of it. 21 oz. with the head rest and added, short length parachute cord. Expensive, but the lightest out there if you want a chair. After sitting for half an hour or more, you have to get up, your butt gets sore. I use the straps on my pack to strap it on. I had to add a cord to the chair so I can run the strap on my Golite pack thru it to hold the top on and another strap goes thru the tubing at the bottom so the chair is secured and doesn't move. The head rest rests in the folded up chair and stays put unless you fall over. A lady I know on another forum, has had hers for quite a few years now. Beats resting on the ground against a log or tree and has less pitch.