I've had 2 horse experiences I will share.

Hiking in the Mt. Rogers, Grayson Highlands area. Horse poop up to the knees in very over used trails. Made the mistake of getting on a yellow horse trail for a bit, and it was beyond disgusting. So a bad taste of "horses"

Then I hike the PCT, expecting lots of horses. I never saw many the whole trip. When I did it was usually a large group together, but almost always friendly and courties to the hiker.

The equestrian clubs do a lot of maintenance along the PCT. Most the areas where the trail was well maintained was because of the horse folks.
Sure, i stepped over and on some poop along my hike. Never was it bad or too big of an issue.

Finding hoof prints at water sources doesnt make you feel good. One time I remember walking through a marshy area, to get upstream of the evident horse prints. Some yee-ha or redneck, whatever you call them in your part of the world had taken their horse a long way upstream to let it drink... (

All in all, i don't mind the horses if they are not in an over used area. I even met a llama on the PCT, and although I found it silly to make that poor animal carry 50X more weight then they needed for a weekend hike, that also was not a bother.

One question though, If i have to bury my poop and not pee near water sources etc. Why don't these equestrians clean up after themselves. Put those bags on that toss it off to the side of the trail at least *shrug*

I personally enjoy horses more then bicycles and crazy motocross nuts charging at you with no intent on slowing down. ( some huge wrong use issues along the PCT in a few areas)