I don't mean to sound like your mother, but before you decide that winter camping in a tarptent or something similar is no big deal, I suggest reading these threads.
This one has pics from a couple of trips, including one of mine with JimShaw and Steve (BMISF).winter thread

This one is about a trip with more serious consequences. If not for a massive rescue effort, some of these people would most likely be dead.
pnw winter rescue story

My point is this: sure you might be able to get away with a tarp or light tent under ideal winter conditions. I've done several trips to Yosemite in those kind of conditions-sunny and warm. But, if things go bad, unless you have the right skills and the right gear, you will find yourself in serious trouble. I don't claim to be an expert on winter camping, but there are several members here who know a lot more than I do and have been in lots worse conditions. What I do know is that I don't want to find myself out in a storm without adequate shelter.

Also, in winter, i.e. snow, I wouldn't go anywhere without a shovel and either skis or snowshoes. That's what helped get those PNW hikers in trouble-no snowshoes.

ps.Don't fall for some of the bs by those PNW hikers who claim their near catastrophe was just an "adventure." Their ignorance and stupidity put a lot of SAR people, including flight crews, at risk to find these morons.

Edited by TomD (09/21/08 07:17 PM)
Don't get me started, you know how I get.