I am about your size and have a WM Alpinlite Super plus several other highend bags. I WOULD definitely get the Badger and go with the microfiber as you always sleep in a tent. I have found Gore-Tex and Endurance shells to be a bit clammy inside my tents and I have had an original Marmot Mtn, 1978, a Feathered Friends, 1989 and an Integral Designs, 2003 shelled bags.

I now am using a Valandre Shocking Blue with "Polynamide" microfiber shell and an Integral Designs North Twin/Andromeda Overbag combo with a Pertex microfiber shell more than my other bags, have had them wetted and they performed VERY well. I use GT and eVENT bivies with them, when I feel it necessary.

The WM bags are a bit "tight" in cut relative to the stated dimensions, so, a Badger would work very well for you. I have a 48" chest and my WM-AS is just a tad tighter than I really like, HTH, your choice of a WM is an excellent one.