Hello, My name is Chris, This is my first post here on this site after looking around for a little while. I was hoping someone might have a few suggestions for my next trip.

Here in about a week my brother and I will be doing the Trans-Zion Trek from top to bottom, 5 days and 4 nights. I did everything except the east rim by myself last may and I just had to come back, this place was heaven. I love every minute of it.

So now im looking for someplace new. The things I like about Zion was the temperature. For the most part, it didnt dip below 55 at night. I dont get to buy a new sleeping bag until spring, so im stuck using the green bag out of the military issue sleep system. Im not a cold weather person anyway.

Ideally 4-6 days would be great leaning more towards the longer hikes. Nothing that feels like im on a stair stepper, lol. It gets old. And probably nothing with lots of heavy forest. I did some of White Mountains the year before and it was nothing but leaves in your face and endless steps.

I'm considering the grand canyon, although not sure where yet, and maybe Canyonlands, but i'm not sure if hike would be long enough. What I liked about Zion was that I had to carry my stuff and it was a fairly long distance, at least for me. I try to stay away from civilization as much as possible on these trips. I really prefer the distance traveled rather then a small distances. I need to feel like I actually went somewhere.

I am also thinking about doing Centennial Trail but prolly not til fall when it gets warmer.

I dont have a ton of expeience, I have a small amout of Ruck hiking in the military and I did one trip to Mt. McKinley (was suppose to be Washington), in the White Mountains, and we did another no name trail a year later, both of those were 1 night two days with me carrying nothing but military issued gear and ruck and my brother borrowing from his girlfriends sister lol.

Since then I've accumulated a ton of new gear, all good quality stuff, I spared no expense. With that I did that partial Trans-Zion Trek last May. And will be doing the whole trek here in about a week.

So..with all that being said. Anyone have any suggestions that might fill my criteria?