I recently bought a topo map for an hike. It's pretty big since I got it at a scale that wouldn't require that I change into reading glasses to use. I had intended to fold down the map to just the area I'm in for any particular hike I'm on. I've run into a smallish glitch. The map coordinates are printed on the top/bottom/sides and are not visible once folded back. Does anyone have a slick method to temporarily add them to the working section? I've been thinking along the lines of some kind of clear tape ( something akin to painters tape )and with a sharpie mark the numbers on the tape, and attach it to the section perimeter, probably slip the works into a map protection sleeve ... Afterwards the tape is removed and re attached to the section thats being next explored. now, I'm sure others have run into the same problem AND have come up with a much more elegant solution.