Can't believe it. January 4th and I have already seen my first rattlesnake. I saw a 1.5 foot Southern Pacific this morning at 8am. It was basking in the sun mid trial on a ridge. I gotta admit that it felt snakey this morning but this is early in the season. In the 80's and 90's it was early March around here. Over the past 5 years it's been February. Now January? I wouldn't be so passionate about it except I get out nearly every day to exercise me and the dog. I don't know what it is like in your neck of the woods, but I'm thinking rattlesnake avoidance training for the dog already.

Sheesh! Even the ground felt somewhat warm this morning. Global warming? Might be an anomaly as I saw NO snake tracks on trail. And yes, I pay attention to snake tracks. One time I saw tracks that looked like 2 snakes had done the tango for about 30 min. Could have been a mating thing...or a king snake getting a rattlesnake. In May, June, and July I see all sorts of snake tracks. The reds (rattlesnake) are the easiest to spot. Very "curly" where they reach forward with their heads and grab a piece of earth and pull themselves forward. Racers just go straight and leave a 1" line on the path. The Reds are the fattest and can get over 3" in width. Anybody else see any difference in patterns lately?