When I first started trying to get back into backpacking I came across a posting on a forum at thebackpacker.com where the poster warned against hiking in Missouri. I don't think he'd every been to Missouri but he said that there were meth cookers in the woods who would kill you if they saw you and so forth.

Not real comforting as I was just starting to backpack in Missouri!

Since then I have done a lot of backpacking in Missouri (I get out a few weekends every month). I can tell you that not only have I felt safe but the locals have been awesome. Without exception my experiences with them has been positive. When I'm passing near a dirt road and one of them passes they invariably stop and back up and ask "you okay? you need a lift or something?" Kind of funny really. They don't understand backpacking for recreation. Of course one time I was lost and took them up on their offer of a ride to the trailhead and they were happy to help.

Anyway I now have really warm feelings towards these locals. It's true they aren't the most highly educated or sophisticated people you'll ever run across (and they generally don't have all their teeth for some reason) but they are really sweet people and more willing to help a stranger than city folk are.

So how are the locals in your neck of the woods?