Ok I know some will say this is to wide of a topic , but it is one I would love to hear many side topics of. Dogs, I love my dog (a 100lb pit bull that is just a big lap dog) and more than that I love hiking with my dog. Now here is one side topic, what is the best way to train a dog to heal on a trail. My dog stays near me but he likes to run and explore all things around me. I have never taken him backpacking partly due to this. My second topic is camping with your dog, do you set up a shelter for the mutt, tie him up so he does not run around all night, or just let him find his own spot to crash? My third and I swear my last topic is What do you think is a great breed for a backpacking dog? I am thinking about getting another dog so I can train him to hike and camp, and still be able to leave my pit bull to stay home with my soon to be wife. Thanks for the help on any of the three topics and sorry if you think I should have made three seperate post.

Edited by dhock83 (03/01/08 02:22 PM)