Last weekend, I was invited to a friends deer lease in Arkansas for some hiking/hunting/camping. Although I don't deer hunt, I did do some fishing, squirrel hunting and lots of hiking. It was rainy, wet and cold, but the most unexpected thing was hiking across 'clear cut' areas. "Clear cut' is the most punishing terrain I've ever hiked. Stumps, trenches, brambles, logs, mud holes, stump holes, a big mess. I had my trail runners and boots (vasque sundowners) with me. Trail runners were right out. The Vasque boots kept me dry and problem free, but a taller boot would have made more sense, especially since shallow creeks were easier hiking than the clear cut areas.

So, you hunters out there, who makes a tall, light, warm, waterproof boot, with emphasis on 'light' weight?
paul, texas KD5IVP