When I say teaching the dog I should be more specific - there aint no way I'm gonna shock, kick, beat, or otherwise hurt my dog.

Shocking my little buddy - what the h$!! is wrong with you?

My best friend/hunting buddy is a Veterinarian that treats 'little buddy's' on a daily basis that were so loved by their owners that the owner failed to adequately prepare them for the real world. Lack of a solid 'recall', 'sit', 'down', (with diversions)... can and do result in dogs hit by cars, dog fights, strangers being bitten or strangers shooting dog. All of which I know for a fact have come to his practice. You were the one that asked the question. The answer is not sitting near the snake singing Kumbaya....the dog doesn't speak english and (at least in my case) would get sick of my singing in a hurry. Wild canine have a natural aversion to snakes, if they don't...'Mother Nature' removes them from the gene pool. When a bitch needs to teach her pups something NOT to do....she growls and bites them in the face (not hard enough to draw blood but enough to put the fear of God into them). No one suggested you 'kick', 'beat', or 'hurt' your little buddy...but if you wish to save his life (or even your own)...............seek help and train.

Also...I spoke with my Vet friend and he tells me that most North American snakes have similar toxins and the immunization series is effective against most (not all) NA snakes. Mohave's have two types of toxin...varying in quantity in various populations and he said that there are no known survivors to Az Coral snake bites....then....laughing he said he was unaware of any dogs bitten by Corals as their mouths are so small. He also stated that even with the series, the dog will probably become very sick if bitten but should survive.