To get rid of the brown marks, which seem to be slightly raised, I have tried boiling vinegar in the pan, (with and without baking soda), leaving it overnight with dishwasher liquid soap and baking soda, scratching it with a plastic utensil, soap, and using a sponge with a scrubby top.

Have you tried a little Barkeeper's Friend with a plastic scrubby (not the scrubby top sponge, I mean the type that looks like plastic steel wool)?

I have also seen Barkeeper's Friend marketed under different names... it's a mild abrasive powder that takes the stains out of sinks and so forth. I doubt it would damage teflon.

Edited by lori (05/06/08 07:30 AM)
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
