Hey I agree with the fear of the sun - and for melanoma stories I have one as well. When I was a kid I experienced the death of my father from it. He was 25. My grandmother made me very aware of the sun, believe me. So I do not take the sun likely.
Avoiding the sun is not the question here, is it? I thought the question was about umbrellas. And my comment was - why is it 30.00 better? I guess 'its shiny' is the answer. Sorry I asked. Maybe I will get one. I like shiny stuff, too.

I wasn't trying to get all defensive but I guess it came across that way anyway. So I must've been....
I am one of those who tries the cheap options and works my way up. The shiny really made a huge difference - I could feel it more than anything else and I guess that's not coming across well. I can usually tell when the sun is getting to me after just a couple of hours.

I wear Ray Ban sunglasses on cloudy days too, because I had cataract surgery at 36 years old due to not wearing adequate protection for too many years (cheap! dimestore! sunglasses!). So I am freaky crazy about sunblock/UV blocking glasses and shade for all mentioned reasons, because the UV does not make my body happy a'tall. Thirty smackers is cheap prevention, especially after the sunglasses cost so much more.... but I would gladly pay for both over again rather than another couple thousand for eye surgery or for peeling off layers of skin.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
