OK, let me preface this by saying I am a backpacker of little experience... a dayhiker for only a couple of seasons looking forward to expanding into multi-day hikes in the spring / summer. I am reading a bunch of hiking books and trying to plan intelligently, and there are a few issues such books deal with only briefly that concern me. Some topics, I guess, are almost taboo-- #2 below for example. Yes, the numbering is significant.

1. How hard is it to sleep on the trail? Obviously this is different for everyone, but does the cold or wet or noise keep a lot of people from sleeping well? Does anyone use earplugs at night? Obviously this would present a SAFETY issue... one might want to HEAR what is going on around you at night, BUT a few nights of poor sleep leading to exhaustion ALSO present a safety issue! What is your experience?

I sleep better in the boonies than indoors! Temp extreams (i'm in Texas) can keep me awake. Sleeping in 100 deg. is not fun. Not really bothered by noise. Wind/Rain noise is music, and I like hearing critters crunch about in the dark, especially the armadillos we have around here.

2. After eliminating bodily wastes, how do you get clean? I mean, if one is not showering daily, things could get really UNCOMFORTABLE down there... dare I use the word "itchy." Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about; toilet paper does not get one as clean as soap and water if you know what I mean. And your hands... what is the best way to really clean them after the business end is done?

This subject comes up monthly. I personally use water, soap and local veg. for this, trying not to haul paper around. Your milage may differ.

3. What happens when your gear gets wet? Say one is on a longer hike, walking for a couple of days in heavy rain, setting up camp, packing up, unfortunate little leaks in the tent or bag... I can imagine everything getting pretty much SOAKED. What do you do besides start to lose your mind or walk off the trail?

If my gear gets wet, I screwed up. I try to make sure this is a remote posibility....and my gear has never gotten wet yet. Boots/shoes, yes, but that's easy to deal with.

4. I met a throughhiker on the AT (in MA - Beartown State Park area) in August while I was on a dayhike. He was clean shaven! I know beards aren't mandatory, but I wondered if he shaved regularly and if so, what water he used. I didnt think to ask him... we chatted about the usual things.

I let it grow. Two reasons.....1) i love the look on wife and kiddo's faces when I return 2) why bother?

5. Do you "bathe" in streams, ponds, or lakes? Obviously, traditional soap is frowned upon because of its environmental aspect. What do you use? Do you worry about being interrupted while trying to get clean?

Nope....but I've been known to jump in for a swim, whenever possible, legal, and safe. Haul your lake/stream water to a responsible place to actually bathe using soap. Make yourself a silnylon water bag. For 'soap' I use Dr. Bronners...about as low impact as you can get.

I hope this doesn't all sound like trolling-- they are meant as serious questions, except maybe #4. I am sure the first three are concerns shared by others people when they are just starting out.
paul, texas KD5IVP