I'm sure that Ryan Jordan has his Ph.D. I seem to recall that an MSU faculty member I knew was on his dissertation committee.

Incidentally, it is generally considered to be poor form for someone with a Ph.D. to use the title "Doctor" in other than professional circumstances; that is, those related to ones area of expertise. Most Ph.D's I know use Mr., Ms, or Mrs. in almost all social and business dealings. On the other hand, those with professional doctorates such as the MD seem to use the title both professionally and socially. Not sure why the difference.

A acquaintance of mine learned about this the hard way. He and I had traveled to a small town in Colorado on University business. He had recently gotten his Ph.D. in Range Science, was proud of it and thus had had all of his credit cards and ID changed to read Dr. Smith. When we checked into the motel, he registered as Dr. Smith. Late that night, he got a call from the front desk saying that another guest was having what they believed was a heart attack and would he please go to room 222 and look at the person. When he told the desk clerk that his doctorate was in Range Science the clerk replied; "Oh, I thought you were a real doctor".
May I walk in beauty.