I'm not sure if I can make it this fall, if my brother wants to go, he will want to go to Zion. Which is fine, I really like that place. So maybe next fall for sure.

I could go during the summer, but I try to get two hikes in a year, and the span between them would be too short.

I understand the bear canisters, do people carry any kind of bear spray or bells? It sounds like these bears are brown bears? The less aggressive ones? I should probably do some searches on what to do if I see one.

I read a while back that bears will go for anything that smells like food, How does one deal with cook wear and clothing? I'm assuming the bear canister would be stored away from camp, some say in sight and in between two large branches so they can't roll it away. Or should it be farther?

Should I be looking into a single wall tent if temps are around freezing?