Oh yeah!! I've swam over there many times and jumped off that rock with all my kids and all their friends, and even my grandkids now. That's an Ozark Icon! grin

My wife and I went there again today. It was hot and sunny and the water is still running good upstream from the bridge. We crossed the bridge and drove up to Robert's Ridge Rd and took that just a mile or so to a dirt road that heads down to the creek and Public land.

We had the best spot down there all to ourselves last week but there were a few people down there this time. We got there just as one small group was leaving so it was just us for a bit, but a few more came and went over the afternoon and a few were there when we left. Most of them were fishing as well as swimming.

There are some big gar and big cottonmouth water moccasins there so between that and the obscure dirt road it's only locals that goes there. I've camped and hiked all over back in there. Some good friends of mine were hunting back there a few years ago and saw a mountain lion. The only bobcat I've ever seen was back there.

My wife took this pic this afternoon. As you can see, I make a pretty decent hillbilly laugh


"You want to go where?"