A good headlamp or flashlight is one of the "Ten" Essentials that should be carried at all times. Of course, the time I've forgotten one of the essentials is invariably the time I've needed it! blush

Regardless of the time of year, it's a good idea to allow plenty of time to return by sunset without rushing. That's even more important with the short days this time of year--as you found out! If you leave late, just plan to turn around that much sooner.

Out here on the popular trails in the Columbia River Gorge, most of which are down in deep forested canyons on a north-facing slope, it's best to allow an even earlier turnaround time, since by the "official" sunset time it's already pretty dark, particularly with our gloomy days of the rainy season. I try to get back at least an hour or two before sunset, which, as a bonus, helps me avoid rush hour traffic near my home.

What kind of trekking poles did you have that broke? I can't remember if you are one of the ones who bought the Walmart variety? IMHO, while the cheap ones are good for trying if you want the poles, for the long run it pays to buy a good brand, such as Leki (my favorite) or Black Diamond. It also seems that carbon fiber poles have more of a tendency to break, especially in cold weather. So far, even with several falls, I haven't broken a pole, although I did bend one slightly.

In many places out here in the West there is no cell phone reception, making a phone rather useless. After I started hiking mostly solo, I bought a Personal Locator Beacon. I've just started on my third one (the battery expires after 5 years). That means I have a button to push in case of severe injury if I can't self-evacuate.

If you take a tumble, it's a good idea to take a few minutes to check yourself for injuries--you've already found this out! Since first-aid kit contents have to be renewed every few years anyway, you might as well get some use out of them! Prompt cleanup of wounds helps prevent infection, as well as being stared at. laugh

It's good that you weren't seriously hurt and that you made it back before dark!

Edited by OregonMouse (11/02/15 07:12 PM)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey