in the past I've mostly hiked solo with little more than a loose description of any hike. last year I was approached by two people who want to do a hike that I did solo last year. this hike is from the desert floor in palm springs up to the upper tram station ( over 8k foot elevation gain- in about 10 miles.) this trail doesn't appear on any of the topo charts and if asked of any local rangers about it, they won't revel any information about the route. the best you'll get is "you'll have to figure it out for yourself" ..anyway this'll be the first time we hike together. fwiw, I judge 'em as being up to this hike. but one never really knows. so I think the ability to point to a position on a map and say "we are here" will go a long way towards keeping everyone up to date and anxiety low. I intend to get position coordinates from my gps and locate 'em on the topo. could probably use this opportunity to renew, my own rusty map reading skills as well. my theory is,if the other members are informed as to position they can feel more comfortable participation in any trail decisions that might have to be made. after all I chafe at the though of being a tour guide

Edited by the-gr8t-waldo (12/17/14 05:33 PM)