Originally Posted By BZH
Get rid of the Esee and 0.380.... try it for a weekend and see how it goes

You could get a much smaller pocket knife and add a small pair of forceps. Much more functional than those pliers and you should be able to drop considerable weight from a swiss champ. I have something like this:

How about replacing the paracord with dyneema... 50 ft is 1.25 oz:

If you want to change get a lighter sleeping bag consider a quilt from enlightened equipment. Ridiculous deal but prices are going up Jan 1.

You can get rid of the ground cloth.

Why carry spare batteries for the spot?

I like the idea for being able to ditch the Swiss Champ. Can get a much smaller SAK with a saw and still have the awl and pin.

ESEE would be highly missed, I use it quite a lot.

I've never heard of the dyneema, I'll have to get some.


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