Well I went to REI's backpacking basics class last night.
The class was full 35 people. The instruction was good.

Having spent more hours reading on this site than I care to admit, most of the information he covered I had already read.

Thanks to everyone who shares his/her knowledge !

The instruction included;
The ten essentials, Navigation, sun protection, clothing, lights, first aid, fire, repair kit, food, water, shelter.

We talked about each and the different choices, and uses.
In many areas it comes down to preferences' and what works for you in the type of camping/backpacking you will be doing. No one size fits all . . . .

As the class went it was what it said, Basic. A lot of general information with the emphasis put on safety, pack selection/fit and quality footwear. Case being, protect your back and your feet, and let someone know where you are going and when you will return.

The information is on the REI web site, under the Learn tab.
If someone is new to backpacking, as I am, I would recommend the class. There is some good information and a chance to meet others with the same interest as you. The class lasted just over an hour and we received a 20% off coupon for attending.