I have hammered away on my Gossamer Gear Lightrek 4s with no slippage, tho you should be sure they are tight before putting your weight on them.

They have also been excellent shelter poles for my tarptents and awning props for my hammock. They do not require a lot of tightening to lock, and the mechanism is totally different than the mass marketed poles. Meaning I can pull the sections apart and move the stopper down some, if the poles won't lock, and then they lock.

There have been two occasions where I have had to email Gossamer Gear - in both cases my email got a response in a few hours, and in both cases the problems were rectified within a week - they sent me a replacement lower section once after repeated failures to lock, figuring that freezing temps must have affected the poles. The other time, marmots ate one of the grips and nibbled the other - replacements will cost $15 but they replaced the first set for free. Excellent customer service, unlike the Komperdells I had - when the twist locks on the Komperdells failed there was no way to fix 'em, no phone numbers or emails I could find on their website, so no more Komperdell poles for me. I count the customer service as part of the purchase price and will probably replace the GG poles with a second pair if I ever manage to break 'em for good. They are amazing poles. Everything else feels like they weigh a ton by comparison.

The only thing about them that is mildly annoying is they are two section and do not collapse very small. But this is not a bother to me - I picked up a cheap set of Easton 3 section poles from Sierra Trading Post, those are now my Search and Rescue poles - heavy, but they too have very solid locking mechanisms.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
