Originally Posted By Jack L

another question, some of the sites ive found say that, because methanol is toxic, theres a risk of contamination from the soot on the pots and keeping your stove in your pots. can you just wipe em or rinse em out, or do they need to be cleaned with soap?

Soot? no soot.. methanol burns clean, and you're not going to have anything toxic coming off it any more than any other sort of liquid fueled stove. (may I remind you that white gas, gasoline, kerosene, and yes, even ethanol are also toxic and will kill you if you drink them, or drink enough of them wink )

*I* don't worry about this - and my stove lives in my pot.

I wouldn't get *liquid* methanol into my food. (wouldn't mix it with white gas either.)

Edited by phat (11/15/11 09:17 PM)
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