Well I was just asking what every one liked. Think it will not hert to spend a little extra and maby have ones that are lighter and stronger so what now I have a tent for 140 just as light and well bult as a huba tent and half the price . I have stayed in my price range. And if its nice and not a buggy area then I also have my lighter cabellas 10x10 tarp. I like tarps to and have sleep under them in the snow in the past. I am not going back to the old days of the Marine Corps humping 70 lbs for days on end with blisters 4 deep on my heals and my bones on my left knee rubbing past the cartlage not a fun feelinng. Yes I did that in my past. I have I think a fare start I have it down to a summer base weight of 13 lbs with the tent.Ospray Exos 46 pack . GSI pot and dr peper stove. My Neo air mat with sheet and blanket made just for it. I just made my frezer bag cozy and got the book on frezer bag cooking I ordered the other day.hey if I can get it lighter I am open minded.