I think the advise to the CMC not to carry insurance was because as a "club" it really has no assets. As an individual, if you have assets, insurance is a good idea! This particular thing really made me think about leading trips. If the club is not insured and has no assets, then the leader(s) are next in line to get sued. I really did not like that idea - go to all the trouble of planning trips (believe me it is a lot of trouble),pretty much be a free guide (I had a climbing partner so I did not need to round of people to climb with), and then also take on the personal liability. Whether you win or loose a suit, it is painful, stressful and even if you do not owe money, your reputation could be seriously tarnished. And this is not that chance in a million thing either. A past climbing partner of mine was sued. They were just buddies out climbing. They mutually decided to descend the U-notch unroped. They became separated when his partner stopped on a rock for a rest and then fell and died. The family sued. The entire mess went on for ten years.

I think this state of affairs is a major reason there are no longer a lot of organized climbing clubs anymore. I honestly think given a good enough lawyer, anyone could be charged with neglegence.