I'm also a firm beleiver that the mental is contagious. Nothing gets a "newbie" perked back up in crappy conditions than a good attitude on the experienced person's part, and help in getting more comfortable - confidence, comfort, and attitude is contagious.

I agree with that totally. The worst/best trip I took in college involved a string of terrible decisions between myself and the other guy as we set out to do about 110 miles on the AT in mid May. Somehow we managed to convince ourselves the following was reasonable:
- We didn't need sleeping bags (it would only go down to at worst forty degrees)
- We didn't need tent(s) (see above, plus, "It won't rain, I have a feeling")
- We didn't need rain gear (see above)

What happened after that thought process? We went on a 10 day hike where it rained the first 8 days and never got above 50º.

The point is, we never once complained to each other, or mentioned bailing to each other, and there were quite a few memorable moments as we holed up in shelters early in the afternoon for warmth.

We most definitely could have had a terrible time, but because we refused to be uncomfortable, or let being cold and wet bother us, we had a great time. I learned more during that trip about camping than I have in any other trip :-)

(And for the record, I have never gone on a trip without adequate tarp, sleeping bag, clothing, rain gear, etc since then...)