Originally Posted By wandering_daisy
But I never kid myself - solo hiking is not as safe as with a group of experienced backpackers.

Yeah, I have to agree with that. Odds are, if I'm the one that gets hurt, even an newbie will be able to help me out, and I'd rather have a someone with me if that happened than not.

But I never feel worried or anxious when I'm out hiking alone. I tend to be careful no matter what I'm doing, or at the very least, I'm always comfortable with what I'm doing.

Originally Posted By wandering_daisy
By the way - I do not consider solo hiking a popular trail such as the JMT a "solo" venture - it is more like being part of a huge unorganized group.

You know WD, I've almost never hiked on trails, and that's exactly why. You've summed it up perfectly.

I have nothing against trails, or hikers that use them, for me it's just not the same experience as hiking off trail.

I have to get out alone, and often. I don't have to go far off into the wilderness to satisfy the need, but I need to do it like I need to breath air.

I've done it since I was a little kid. I used to walk the creekbeds and railroad tracks to and from school. And every time I ever "Skipped" a day I was spending it in a forest at a park somewhere.


"You want to go where?"