One of the problems I find with tents is the US use of the term. What you call a "tent" everybody else calls it an inner, the tent to us is the all thing including bit the keeps rain and wind at bay ...
I say that because the BA has an almost freestanding inner (two pegs required) but by the time you put the fly on it takes another 9 to make it work. (that is to keep the fly away from the inner to allow air flow as well as to keep it in place)
In comparison the non freestanding TT Moment will stand up with just two, vestibule and all.
The other point is that if you are in a rain prone area, inner up first will result in a wet set up. That will dry off when inside but will cause the dreaded condensation bit , and that you cannot wipe off (till you dismantle it) as you do in a single wall shelter
On the other hand, trekking pole supported tents, like the SMD Lunar Solo and the very similar Nemo, need more real estate...