Bow saws are wonderful things for getting firewood, and I carry one in the winter often. Normally you need at least 24" long to be relatively useful.

Having said that, for shelter building in an emergency (i.e. a lean to or something) an Axe is enough - for the small things you are typically cutting to do this a bow saw is more bother than it is worth for cutting green limbs and small stuff for this type of activity.

Now, having said that, I'll say *why do this?* Most of us try pretty hard to leave no trace (or as little as possible). Yes there are areas where doing this is fine, but realisticly, a siliconized nylon tarp or tarp/poncho will weigh about half a pound to a pound - a little more with stakes and lines. My 8x10 silnylon tarp weighs 600 grams (about a pound and a half) with 12 foot lines and 8 stakes. That is *far* lighter than either my axe or my bow saw, and I *guarantee* you will keep me a lot dryer and more comfortable than the best lean-to or bough shelter I can possibly build, and won't leave the area looking like it's been attacked by lawnmowers after 10 people who are doing the same thing camp there.

Any fool can be uncomfortable...
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