My favorite "style" is the longer the better! To me anything under 8 days is short. Mostly I stay within what I can carry in food - 10-12 days. Maximum days I have been out without resupply was 18 days. When someone else paid for my re-supply I would be out for 30 days. The cost of this now is too much for my meager budget.

But I am not a "long-distance" or "through-hiker". I am really picky - I avoid any boring miles. I really respect those who have the mental discipline to do the PCT. I never could because I rather "cherry pick" the best of the route.

The major impact of my "style" is that most others do not prefer long trips, therefore, I do more solo than I would like. I am an early bird - like to get up at dawn and walk 6-8 hour days and be done early to mid-afternoon so I can take a bath and rinse out clothes and go wander about camp before the sun goes down. I usually only take about 2-3 rest stops the entire day. I do better just plodding along steadily. My long trips limit my food choices, but thank goodness, food is not that big of a deal for me - as long as it fills me up, I could care less. I am not a gormet at all. My style also is only suitable for larger Wilderness areas - for example, the SF Bay Area is not one of my main areas becasue you are hard pressed to find anywhere you can do a long trip.

I also am definitely a high-alpine connisour. I really do not like "woodsy". Therefore, my equipment is mostly mountaineering type stuff. I most often camp above 10,000 feet - lots of times at 12,000 feet. Rarely in trees.