I walk with a dog too!!! A big dog....200lbs and wears 34" collar too. The thing is that if you are going to take a dog that size around other people, you have to make sure that they are very very disciplined. If not, what do you do when they get out of control? I assure if J.D.(my dog) got out of hand there would probably be a lot of people running for their lives and that's just not right. I always walk with my dog on a leash, but he is disciplined enough to where that is not really necessary,but I can not afford to take any chances that some one might get hurt,so I just don't take any chances...period. So, with that being said, I just do not think that you shold take your dog if they can not be disciplined around other people...sabre11004... eek eek eek
The first step that you take will be one of those that get you there 1!!!!!