Everyone is quite different with respect to need for salts and electrolytes. I think you have to trial and error until you get it right. It is all about balance, so, of course, when you change your diet, that will make a difference. I believe that high blood pressure as a result of salt intake is genetic - some people have a problem with this, others less so. When I used to work outdoors in 100+ weather, I found that a drink like Gatoraid did make me feel better. I seldom backpack in such heat, so find water is just fine. The only supplements I take are a multi-vitamin and a calcium-magnesium pill (more for bone health than for electrolytes). I also do not drink a lot of water and do not sweat a lot. Everyone tells me to drink more - but I feel great and have lots of energy. I think if you just "listen" to your body, you will get it figured out.

I am glad that you feel your "diet" does not feel like a diet. That is great. It means you probably will be succesful. Good luck.