We spent the Friday night car camping at the trailhead at Dicks Creek Gap, and that night got down to the high 30s, followed by a high of 45 Saturday around noon before the bad weather rolled in. We actually used a shelter Saturday night, which turned out to be a blessing because it got windy and rained off and on from 3pm onward, getting fairly heavy overnight. The shelter was 1100' higher than Dicks Creek Gap, and although we went to bed at 9pm and 45F weather, it dropped dramatically overnight. When we woke up at 6:30a Sunday morning it was 31-32F, and a fog layer thicker than I've ever seen squatted on the mountain. We were still having to use headlamps until almost 8am and there was no sign of the sun. Weirdest thing we'd ever seen. As we hiked back down ice was forming on our jackets from our breath.