When going for lighter total weight, usually, the pack is the last thing to change. This is because your choice of pack depends on both total weight carried and volumn of gear. What kind of weight are you currently carrying? How can you easily reduce that weight? Leaving unneeded items at home is the best way to start. For instance, do you really need that change of clothes, three jackets, etc.. Then reduce the weight of each item. Switching from a hard Nalgene to a Gatorade bottle is virtually free and saves you about 4oz. After you have gone through these steps and know how much your total carry weight is and how much volumn you need, you can get a new pack that fits you and is designed to carry those specs with confidence that it will serve you well. As to the Vapor Trail, I'll let someone who has used it comment on the pack itself.
If I wouldn't eat it at home, why would I want to eat it on the trail?