A few points.
As you travel you will find that some do think that their country has the worst/best weather/govenment/tax system , whatever...
For mainland Australia, any of the Tarptents will work except for snow season in the alps.
The reason tarps and hammocks are not at all popular here is because we have a lot of bugs ( and some are also not comfortable with snakes, plenty about) and because most of our trees are gum trees (eucalyptus) and you will want to stay well away from them. (they can and do shed branches for no apparent reason)
The strength of the Tarptents is ventilation and generally we need that. The downside is that they are not a "warm tent" but I rather have another 300g in a puffy jacket that also keeps me warm at camp than an extra 1/1.5 kg on a double skin tent year around. Keep in mind that even when totally wet, after a good shake down, my Contrail is still not much heavier than when dry. But for some areas in Tasmania or winter in the Alps I would not use the current line up , but I still have not seen an efficient do it all tent, that is also why I tend to wear different clothes in winter.....
Australian fauna
AussieBushwalker please keep in mind the opfficial party line : koalas and wombats are warm and fuzzy and that we all drink Foster and eat Vegemite.

I agree that a mob in full flight looks amazing and the sound (if you have the ear to the ground) is to me "comforting" , however the mating call of a randy wombat (close up) is just sensational ( more like scary the first time I heard that, woke up in the middle of the night miles from " civilisation" not knowing what was going on)
Still a favourite moment is just before sunset when the birds go nuts. It's never the same when people are about.