Hi guys, my wife and I live at the edge of a lava flow on a national moument in Oregon and we have deer, grey squirrels (bigger than eastern brows), golden mantled ground squirrels, and chipmonks, as well as neighborhood cats (they remove the dead birds that fly into my window so its really a much bigger "feeder" than it appears). We also have racoons, puma, and coyotes that we don't see. Thats not a lot of variety - no water mammals, only a large ungulate and two top predators and various "Squirrel" type small mammals that can climb trees. Mostly we have lots of birds as we on a flyway and theres about 8 square miles of 1,400 year old lava flow behind us that is home (often temporary) to thousands of birds and "other things". Rumor is that theres a HUGE mystical white mountain line and a ferocious (again mystical) white bear. Mostly I see dogs up there, but I keep looking for Sasquatch as there are reports of him living near the south side of the flow. (we're on the north side"
Jim - so what do you see and where do you live?
p.s. I guess quail count as they are ground dwellers? But I guess what birds do you see should maybe be another thread. smile
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.