Ok so this is such a newb question that I am embarressed to ask it grin

My little gear closet has become over run with my back packing and bicycling gear. In an attempt to re-organize things I went through it today. It is a little better (There was not much to organize, just shift stuff around a bit) but it is still "packed"

Currently I have all my tarps, tents, tarptents, bivies hanging along side my sleeping bags and down clothing. Well obviously the down items are going to stay hanging and the floor is covered with neat rows of shoes, packs, cycling gear etc. But I have "a lot" of shelf space so I was thinking I could put the tarps, and such back in their stuff sacks (save for the tent...it went in a cotton sack and is now on the floor) and place them on the shelf.

Is this going to "hurt" the cuben, syl, event, etc, to store them in their stuff sacks for long periods of time. It would make so much more room and organize things much better.

Your thoughts.
I miss my 4.8lb base weight as a ground dweller. But I sure don't miss the ground.