No doubt this is a silly question, as "hiker" is so generic, and I know there isn't a profile (common attributes among a majority of hikers) that represents the majority of folks...but here me out and let me know what you think.

I'm "wanting" to get into hiking. However, my lifestyle makes it challenging. I'm 40, have a full time job, a family, and I'm also an avid cyclist. I've read, and watched movies, on climbs to Everest and K2, and 6 month long thru hikes of AT. My passion is fuelled, but I'm not sure how I can fit hiking into my lifestyle. I've read books on mountaineer's with families who are away weeks at a time...well that isn't happening for me (by choice).

I think what makes hiking/backpacking appealing is that you can explore some amazing geographies while getting closure to nature. I love these aspects, however, my lifestyle (work, family) clashes. As a cyclist, I can ride my bike out my front door, with lights so I can ride anytime of day (before my kid awakes), and I get a great workout in <2 hours. I sometimes hike before work, I use a headlamp and stick to local trails that I can drive to in less than 10 minutes. That's ok, but probably not what you're all after. On weekends we're busy with activities starting at around 10am, so I go for a 3-5 hour bike ride one of those days. So the best I can do with hiking is one "long" hike a week, starting when it's dark (all but the summer months), and getting in maybe 3-5 hours. Right now this is the best I can do. Of course I can plan a multi-day, using some vacation time (like I've done with cycling), but this would only be once a year and I would have to consider whether it's worth it to invest in the extra gear for such an infrequent part of hiking.

I took the day off yesterday because I wanted to go for a long hike. I tried my new pack and boots (both worked out great by the way grin), I hiked somewhere new but not far from home. I had a great time. Loved it. Problem is I can't go on 4-5 hour hikes in a normal week. I had to take a vacation day to do so. Heck, all the other hikers I came across yesterday were retired!

While I can incorporate cycling into my weekly (almost daily) lifestyle, I don't see how one can do so with hiking (in my circumstances). Seems like a portion of the hiking lifestyle (the "profile"?) is about the big expedition...and while most folks could fit one or two of these in per year (I could with some begging), what are you all doing the other times of the year?

Thanks for reading my rant...really looking forward to your feedback so I can gain perspective thanks