Hi! My name is Taralei, I'm 21, and I'm very glad I found this forum. I am very new to backpacking... as in, really, I'm just starting making sure that I'm really ready and fit to actually do this.

I'm thinking my first big hike, once I'm ready, will be the Appalachian Trail, since I live very close to it currently. Truthfully, I don't know what I'm doing. I would love to find someone near me who would like to maybe be a backpacking partner, who knows at least a bit more about this than I do. That would be great. I live in Murfreesboro, TN, which is the Nashville area. Also, does anyone have any suggestions for stores for purchasing gear, especially if they know of any in my area? I've heard sometimes the big chains aren't always the best place to go, especially when you don't know what you're doing. But, maybe that's not the case...?

If anyone has any sort of advice for somebody just starting out, I'd love to hear (read?) it! Thank you! smile
