
First, let me say I'm new to backpacking.net

My name is Ethan Greer, and I am from the Engineering Design and Development class at Union-Endicott High School in Upstate New York. As part of this class, my partner Spencer Scott and I are developing a portable food cooker and warmer which will be easily transportable, reusable, and durable enough for camping and backpacking. The device will also be safe to use indoors and in a tent.
I am currently conducting a product requirements survey to help determine additional requirements of this device. I'm hoping to get feedback for backpackers such as those here.

Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions you may have regarding this project, or suggestions for this product. My contact information can be found below.


I've edited this slightly from the origional post after reading responses.

1. On a scale of 4 to 0, with 4 being the most satisfied, how satisfied would you say you are with the current range of products designed to allow one to heat and cook food while camping or backpacking?
4 3 2 1 0

2. Out of the following options, would you say the combustion used by traditional camp/backpack stoves, and the associated smoke, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is…
____ Always a problem
____ Occasionally a problem, but more often a problem than not
____ No opinion, or neutral opinion
____ Usually not a problem
____ Never a problem

3. Out of the following options, how would well would you say current camp/backpack stoves serve their intended purpose?
____ Extremely poorly
____ Somewhat poorly
____ Neutral
____ Somewhat well
____ Extremely well

4. What's the most you would be willing to spend on a backpacking stove?
____ $10-20
____ $20-30
____ $30-40
____ $40-50
____ $50-60
____ $60-70
____ $70-80
____ $80-90
____ $100+

5. What is the maximum weight you would consider tolerable for a backpack stove?
_________________ ounces (without fuel)
_________________ ounces (with fuel)

6. While on an average camping or backpacking trip, how many times do you typically use your camp or backpack stove?
_______________ times

7. While on an average camping or backpacking trip, how many times do you expect to have to go to a store to purchase more supplies?
_______________ times

8. On a scale of 4 to 0, with 4 being the most valuable, how valuable would the ability to easily use a camp or backpack stove in the rain, wet conditions, indoors or in a tent, or in high winds be to you?
4 3 2 1 0

In the process of developing this product, I may be interested in further feedback from those knowledgeable in the field of camping and backpacking, such as you. If it would be alright for me to contact you in the future regarding this project, please let me know.

Thanks you again for your time. Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions you may have about this project. My contact information is as follows:

Paper Mail, please send to:
Dr. Timothy Netwon
c/o: Union-Endicott High School
1200 East Main Street
Endicott, NY 13760

Phone: 607-757-2120
Fax: 607-757-2592


Edited by Ethan (11/03/08 08:59 AM)